Friday, July 18, 2008

Overcoming Your Worst Fears

By: Tess Marshal

How much of your day do you find yourself worrying about the future of your job, the future of your children or grandchildren, and the future of our world? We have been jolted out of our comfort zones by terrorism, war, natural disasters and the fast pace of technology and our world.

As a life coach and therapist in private practice I work with women each day who want to learn how to move through fear and life with passion and purpose. Here is what I tell them.

Fear is Normal…

We are all afraid. We are afraid of getting too close to others and losing them. We are afraid that we will hurt someone or someone will hurt us. We are afraid of not knowing anything and knowing too much. We fear losing control and being too controlling. We fear that good things won’t happen and bad things will. We are afraid of being alone and not being by ourselves enough. We are afraid of who we are and afraid of who we could be. We fear change and we fear not changing. We fear what we know and we fear the unknown. We fear failing and we fear succeeding. These are universal fears.

Fear has a purpose; it keeps you from doing crazy things and prevents you from acting irrationally. Fear gives you time to think before you act. Being in touch with your fears is part of being in touch with who you are. It is healthy to admit that you are afraid, worried, or anxious. To do so requires strength. When you express worries and anxieties, they lose their power. You will never get rid of fear. However, you can learn to starve your fears with trust and courage.

Allow Nothing to Stand in Your Way…

If we are going to live up to our full potential and fulfill our life purpose we have no choice but to work through fear. We do not reach our potential by playing it safe. If you are alive, you have fears. It is what you do with them and how you handle them that makes all the difference in the world. When you are afraid to take action, ask yourself, "Who will do this if I don't?"

The best advice in the world is to keep your attention on what is going right in your life and the joy of living. Refuse to live a life of quiet desperation. Take time to recognize your talent, gifts and blessings. Then stand tall and strong like a lighthouse and shine your love and light, so others can also find their way. Be committed to expressing your greatness!

Lighten Up and Laugh

Laughter is an enemy of depression, fear and anger. You can tell the health of a family or workplace by how much laughter you hear.

Focus On Success

Make a list of everything you have succeeded at in your life. Hang it up where you can see it for the times you doubt yourself.

Listen to Music

Music is healing. Classical music can reduce stress. Rock and Roll gives you energy. Chanting brings you into a meditative state. Children’s music makes your heart smile. Johann Paul Friedrich Richter said, “Music is the moonlight in the gloomy night of life.”

Delay Fear

Live the next seven days without fear. When a fear comes up jot it down in a notebook and tell the fear you will get back to it later.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Let go of life being perfect and going smoothly. Learn to roll with the punches. Read the cartoons and watch comedy.

Become a Blessing

Be kind and learn to help others. The world needs your talent and service now more than ever. Love and kindness have healing power. Fear not! The world needs you now more than ever!